Reunite with Jason & Orked by Streaming ‘Sepet: The Musical’ For Free

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source: Sepet, 2005

Our very own version of Romeo & Juliet was portrayed poignantly in the late Yasmin Ahmad film Sepet.

Told through the eyes of lovers, Orked and Jason, the original film detailed their bourgeoning romance that was initially spurred by their mutual adoration of auteur, Wong Kar-Wai. Not only is it the quintessential coming-of-age romance that integrates culture and religion to create a lush setting, it is also vital in the evergreen discussions of classism, racism and gangsterism.

source: Sepet, 2005

Starring beloved local starlets such as Sharifah Amani, Adibah Noor and Ida Nerina as well as famous comedian, Harith Iskander, it quickly rose to popularity and received a cult-following. Since Sepet is an accurate snapshot of what it would feel like to be in a budding relationship that defied all odds, it made for a compelling story that was later adapted into an equally effective musical.

source: Liver and Lung

Sepet: The Musical was produced by Liver and Lung Productions and held in September at the GM Bukit Bintang Mall where it ran for three sold-out weekends. The event was deemed a huge success and Hannah Shields, choreographer for Sepet: The Musical, was excited to share this art piece onto a digital platform for those who could not attend the show.

Yasmin Ahmad unknowingly created the quintessential romance that has stood the test of time. Co-founder of Liver and Lung Productions, Shafeeq Shajahan said, “Tapping into the magic that Yasmin Ahmad created was incredibly humbling. People were in tears every night. We had something incredible in our hands.”

The musical will be available to stream on Youtube from May 1 – May 9. Until then, watch the trailer below.

To set a reminder for the premiere, click here.

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