R&B Superstar JMSN Talks About Velvet and Keeping It 100

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In the past few years since the revival of R&B, Hip-Hop and Soul, and amidst all the new and talented artistes that are coming up, the multi-talented Christian Berishaj a.k.a. JMSN managed to secure a strong position in the genre, as one of the best artistes working out there.

Since his self-produced Priscilla debuted back in 2012, JMSN has taken many musical routes, experimenting and adding more intricacies in his sound, and his latest release Velvet sees JMSN going further and stronger in maintaining his craft.

With a silky smooth timbre, Velvet gives a nod of appreciation to the sounds of R&B and Soul of past. It’s groovy, soulful and hella sexy. JMSN proves that he’s only gonna go forward from here.

JUICE managed to have a chat with Christian before his first show in KL…

First of all, congratulations on your latest record Velvet (which we love btw)

Thank you.

Your sound has changed a lot from Priscilla to Velvet, yet you’ve always kept a consistent feel good vibe with every release. As an artist, how has it been for you in terms of creative and personal growth from day one to now?
Just growing up as a person, an artist, a singer, a producer, a guitar player, a mixer and whatever else I dig into… Exploring everyday and challenging myself to get better.

Can you tell us about the music you listen to then and now, or any anything that drives your creativity.
I listen to a lot of classics. Been listening to Soul Town, I believe it is called, on SiriusXM.

Velvet is a super sexy album, and it shows a deep appreciation for the aesthetics of R&B and Soul. Was that the intention going into the process?
The intention was just to make something as good as I could possibly make it and to explore and try things that I hadn’t tried before on previous records.

Ok on a side note, it’s cool to imagine how many people made love to your songs playing in the background. *plays Got 2 B Erotic*

There’s a lot of talent right now, regardless of genres, and you’ve worked with some of the best in the game. Tell us which artistes you’d like to collaborate with right now?
Alicia Keys would be cool.

This will be your first time performing in Malaysia, and we’re super excited to have you. How exciting is that? Oh and make sure you try our Nasi Lemak (best food in the world).
It’s pretty exciting! I will definitely try that. Thank you for telling me what I need to get. We always wanna know what the local cuisine is.

Yeah, you should totally try it then make a song about it.. Anyway, we’ll see you at the show!
Thank you. I’ll see you there!

Groove with JMSN this Friday, 1 March at The Bee. Click here for more info on the show and listen to Velvet here.

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