#RakyatJagaRakyat Condemns Double-Standard Between Netizens & Politicians Over COVID-19

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(source: Suara Merdeka)

Over the past week, Malaysians have expressed disappointment regarding politicians and the whole Covid-19 situation. Many complained that the hashtag #KitaJagaKita has been hijacked and misused by politicians, thus many new hashtags were started by netizens like #RakyatIngat, #PoliticiansPuncaVirus, and one which really kicked off, #RakyatJagaRakyat.

The catchphrase (that translates to “citizens take care of citizens”) saw Malaysians sharing their frustrations towards politicians across various parties who netizens claim have prioritised election-campaigning over the nation’s wellbeing.

These past few days, has seen an uptrend in the usage of #RakyatJagaRakyat as new clusters surface, reportedly due to returnees from Sabah.

According to NST, 260 new positive-cases in Malaysia were recorded yesterday making it the second-largest daily spike since the pandemic began, and today, well, we are at the highest number of new cases at 287 cases which are all local cases according to the Health Ministry’s Twitter post.

(source: The Statesman)

Many netizens have also commented that most of the rakyat are trying their hardest to abide by the SOPs, however, the politicians are busy playing political games and breaking SOPs without proper repercussions – calling the situation a double standard.

Take a look:

If there’s a rare chance a politician is reading this, we hope you’re not in this thread:

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