Survey Shows The Top Issues Malaysians Agree On Such As Orang Asli Rights & Increase Of Minimum Wage

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“Malaysian Temperature Check”, a recent survey that was conducted revealed the topics Malaysians agree and disagree on. Topics ranged from politics to economy, religion and so forth.

The survey was conducted on 3 September by Undi18, a youth electoral advocacy group along with youth non-profit Architects of Diversity, Women’s Aid Organisation and pollster

According to the survey, 86% of Malaysians support the protection of Orang Asli rights while 82% agree that the current federal minimum wage should be increased.

source: Al Jazeera

Meanwhile, 86% of respondents agree on the move away from race-based economic assistance and prioritise income-based assistance.

However, the number of support towards immigrant groups were low, with 85% of Malaysians supporting the prioritisation of Malaysian citizens over immigrants. The survey mentioned that those aged 18 – 30 showed lower agreements compared to older respondents.

A large percentage of Malaysians also agree on speech regulations, with 86% agreeing on social media regulation to prevent fake news and 85% supporting punishments for racial and religious insults.

source: The Asia Foundation

A total of 1,027 respondents was recorded on the website’s online panel that was selected using active quota-sampling. All respondents aged 18 and above were quota-sampled according to census statistics based on race, religion, gender, age and region of residence.

Respondents aged 65 and above were under-represented, likely due to lower rates of internet usage among those above 60 years old, the survey said.

The organisers said the survey was produced to study and understand Malaysians’ opinion on contemporary social and economic issues, including understudied opinions.

To check out all the findings of the survey, click here.

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