PHOTOS: M’sian Artist Reimagines Face Masks to Encourage Us to Follow SOPs & Stay at Home

Unless you haven’t been keeping up to date with the latest developments when it comes to the Covid-19 virus, which I won’t blame you for since it can get very disheartening, then you might already know that cases have been rising at a disturbingly rapid pace.
Only recently, Malaysia recorded an upwards of 9,000 cases which spurred a total lockdown to flatten the curve. Deaths have been proliferating as well, causing there to be a lack of space to keep the bodies of the deceased.
With that, Malaysians have been vigilant in reminding each other to stay at home and follow the SOPs because at the end of the day, we’re all in this together and it takes full-cooperation in order to battle the virus.

To encourage the nation in her own way, Malaysian artist Ann Jaafar recently went viral due to her creative re-imaginings of the face mask.
These pieces of cloth have become an integral part of everyone’s daily lives ever since the pandemic started and it’s only fitting for it to be used as an amplifier for her message.

Doodling on the face masks, Ann makes full use of the grooves and lines to recreate scenarios that we as a nation have had to face due to Covid-19.
From couples sitting one metre apart on public benches to the harrowing reminder of those fighting for their lives in the ICU, Ann depicts the situations and delivers her message effectively, making it one of the most creative art pieces utilising face masks that we’ve seen so far.
Take a look:
Ann can be considered a veteran in the Malaysian art scene since she has accumulated 10k followers on Twitter and a whopping 82k followers on Instagram.
An activist on social issues through her art, Ann has also showed her support for Palestine during the tumultuous Palestine-Israel conflict recently.

Despite hiding her face behind a smiley paper bag, Ann definitely doesn’t hide her true emotions and intentions for Malaysians to stop the tomfoolery and be more responsible when it comes to adhering to SOPs during the pandemic.
To support Ann, check her out on Twitter and Instagram.