Phang Kuan Hoong

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Phang is the keyboardist and one of the founding members of citizens of ice-cream, a local post-rock band that has recently released their debut album. Coic has also opened for Australian avant-garde band Dirty Three. With a natural flair for words, Phang is the head copywriter od an online ad agency and a translator for the Chinese indie scene due to his proficiency in both English and Mandarin

I get up every morning for…
Life and inspiration. Waking up for one’s routinies may not be a choice but seeing the moments that matters when they arrive is.

I do what I do because…
It’s who I am. Music is what defines me, it’s what gives my life an existance of value.

If there’s one thing that sets me apart it’s…
That I’m a very normal guy but I’m curious about a lot of stuff and that keeps me on the edge.

I take inspiration from people (winners) like…
Thom Yorke, who together with his band Radiohead, revolutionised the modern rock music scene.

Winning to me means…
Being able to touch just one person’s heart with our music, because that’s the ultimate connection any musician can make.

It isn’t hard to stay on top,
Because there is no top or bottom,  there’s just the sense of knowing that what you’re doing is right for you.

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