“Penat Argue Dengan TNB”, Netizens Are Shocked With Their Extremely High Electricity Bills This Month

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Uh-oh… The rakyat just got their monthly bills and they’re not happy with it. A simple scroll on Twitter and you can see tonnes of Malaysians venting their anger over the sharp hike in their Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) electricity bills.

Most of them complained about their latest bills noting totals double or triple their usual bill amount. Some even claimed that it has increased as much as 600% a month during the MCO period.

Check out what netizens had to say:


If you’re wondering what was their response, TNB claims that allegations of a rise as much as 600% are inaccurate.

TNB chief corporate officer Datuk Wira Roslan Ab Rahman said in a statement that a TNB official had met the consumer who made the claim and explained how the bill was calculated using the prorated billing method.

“We have checked the bill and found there was a misunderstanding regarding the calculation of the bill. The amount of the consumer’s bills for April, May and June increased by 120 per cent per month… As a company regulated by the Energy Commission, we are subject to the terms of the licence granted including not calculating the bill arbitrarily,” he said.

Now, you’re probably thinking… what the heck is prorated billing method?

According to TRP, since TNB’s staff are not allowed to go around and check meters ever since the MCO started, the prorate method was introduced by estimating consumers household consumption based on their previous bills throughout the 3-month period.

(source: The Star)

The electricity company also said the method was used for accuracy and to ensure that no one is overcharged. Basically, what you’ve been paying during the MCO was the prorated bill.

The reason why your bills have spiked up is that TNB operators are finally allowed to go to houses and read the meter.

Based on their readings, they would make adjustments based on what was estimated versus your actual usage. So, if you used more electricity – like everyone did ’cause we’re all at home, the extra that you used will be reflected in the most recent bill.

Once the readjustments come in, that is when you would see a spike.

Although TNB had explained this new method of charging, many are still ‘tak puas hati‘ and some are just left confused… Take a look:


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