#PehaMelimpah: Malaysian Netizens Slam Fashion Critic Over Body-Shaming Comment

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(source: BFM)

Fashion critic Zaihani Mohd Zain is under a wave of criticism for her rather elitist, body-shaming statement on her Facebook recently.

She wrote: “Kalau berat badan melebihi 60kg, tak payah lah datang, sebab nya peha awak tu melimpah kat kerusi sebelah kiri dan kanan awak. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable for the persons seated next to you!!!” (translation: If you weigh more than 60kg, please don’t attend fashion events, as your huge thighs would take so much room causing people seating beside you to be uncomfortable). Apparently her Facebook comment came out just in time for the showcasing of Raya-wear collections here in Malaysia.

Zaihani is currently a mentor on Astro Ria’s fashion television show, Gen F.

However, even before this whole incident, the fashion critic has been known to comment about plus sized women. According to Coconuts KL, in a 2016 interview with society mag Tatler, Zaihani said: “If you love fashion and enjoy dressing up, then there are sacrifices to be made. Watch your weight. People may say size doesn’t matter but who are we kidding? It does! Why do you think the big fashion houses do not cater to plus sized women?

(source: Stardary)

Netizens were quick to call her out and some even started a hashtag (#PehaMelimpah) to embrace their thick thighs. In an Instagram post in response to Zaihani’s statement, former JUICE intern Nalisa Amin – who is known for advocating body positivity in Malaysia, captioned the picture with “Do my thighs bother you, ma’am? #PehaMelimpah”.

Zaihani was quick to reply in the comments, stating that she’s okay with curvy ladies, and the body-shaming statement was meant for men. Which honestly, does not make it any better. 

Regardless of gender, body-shaming is not a “thing” anymore and should not be tolerated. Especially in this early era of embracing diversity. And guess what? Most Malaysians do agree on that, it’s like #RendangGate, Malaysians are united (maybe it’s election fever).

Check out what some netizens have to say regarding this whole incident:




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