This New Face Mask Allows You to Eat While Wearing It!

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source: SCMP

As most of us probably know by now, protective face masks these days come in a variety of shapes and sizes to serve purposes apart from protection. From branded masks made by the likes of high end fashion companies such as Gucci, to repurposed IKEA shopping bags, to futuristic protection suits for concert goers that allow you to pee and vape in them, face masks have definitely become an essential item in the world we live in today.

Not too long ago, JUICE reported about an Indonesian tailor who made transparent face masks for those who suffer from hearing disabilities and rely on lip reading to communicate. Just recently, an Israeli doctor took personal protective equipment to the next level by inventing a face mask that allows its user to eat while wearing it.

source: Reuters

According to Free Malaysia Today, a doctor from the city of Or Yehuda in Tel Aviv, Israel created the face mask with the objective of making dining in restaurants a little bit safer. The device is operated by a remote control which is triggered by a lever that opens a slot in the front of the mask allowing food to enter the mouth.

A representative from Avtipus Patents and Inventions – the company behind this latest innovation, stated that “the mask will be opened mechanically by hand remote or automatically when the fork is coming to the mask.”

source: Verywell health

They also noted that consuming watery food items such as sauces or ice cream with the device on would tend to get a little messy but assured that solid foods will be processed more efficiently.

Avtipus Patents and Inventions has already made plans to manufacture more of these masks and even submitted a patent. The company aims to sell a single unit at a premium of 3 to 10 shekel (RM3.70 to RM12.33) above the price of regular blue medical masks which many Israelis wear.

source: eTurboNews

For now, the company has made no plans to bring the product to the international market possibly to gauge how useful it would be in Israel before expanding to other countries.

If all goes well, the world will finally have face masks which would allow people to safely enjoy a nice meal outdoors without having to resort to creating custom face masks for themselves which might have little to no protective qualities whatsoever – though cabagehead below might beg to differ…

source: Dailymail 

*Featured image taken from Reuters

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