Muhyiddin Arrested For Graft By MACC

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Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during press conference at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on February 21.— AZMAN GHANI/The Star

MACC has confirmed the arrest of ex-PM Muhyiddin Yassin, who was detained at the headquarters this afternoon.

This is in relation to a number of charges, related to the Jana Wibawa initiative which aimed to aid B40 contractors. He will face the charges at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex tomorrow (March 10).

These fall under Section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and Section 4(1)b of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Proceeds of Illegal Activities Act (AMLATFPUAA) 2001.

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