M’sians To Honour Sacred Pledges Made In The Name Of Anwar’s PM Appointment

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source: The Vibes

Anwar Ibrahim, the chairman of Pakatan Harapan, has been named the 10th prime minister, leading Malaysians who used social media to make their nazar declarations in the hopes that he would become that country’s leader, to fulfill their holy pledges.

In Islam, the term “nazar” refers to a sacred promise made to God that must be kept if the prayer is bestowed. It usually entails giving up something dear to oneself, such as shaving their hair or making a charitable donation.

A 25-year-old digital marketer who only wants to be known as Rizwan is one of those making such a commitment. He committed to teaching ten people, free of charge, how to use Facebook and Instagram advertisements.

Speaking to Malaysiakini, Rizwan said that he had been an advocate for Anwar since high school. To get ready for a debate competition, he viewed videos of Anwar’s talks, and that’s when it all began.

Although Muslims made up the majority of those who posted their vows on social media, non-Muslims were also motivated by the action.

A 58-year-old man made a pledge to shave his head and offer prayers at the Hindu temple at Batu Caves. He merely wished to be identified by his Twitter account @ksampoh.

He claimed that he has been keeping track of Anwar’s career since the 1980s, particularly after he began attending Form 6 at a school established by the Islamic Youth Movement of Malaysia (Abim), as he did not perform well enough to continue at a public school.

A student also promised to donate 10 boxes of chicken rice if Anwar is chosen as prime minister, while another netizen went even farther, pledging to provide 500 packets of nasi lemak in the event that Anwar is elected as the nation’s 10th prime minister.

Others committed to making a weekly donation to the mosque or to fasting for a specific number of days after Friday prayers.

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