M’sians With A History Of Mistreating Indonesian Workers May Be Denied Entry Into The Nation

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source: Reuters

According to reports, Indonesia is considering limiting the ability for Malaysians to enter the nation if they are found to possess a history of mistreating or abusing Indonesian workers.

Hermono, the Indonesian ambassador to Malaysia, revealed that the embassy is now in the process of blacklisting five Malaysian citizens for allegedly abusing Indonesian workers and will make sure that their nation forbids them from setting foot there.

Two Malaysians, Radzuan Abu Hadzim and his wife Rosnajihah Ramli, were cleared of all charges related to human trafficking on Friday (December 9).

The couple reportedly denied hiring an Indonesian domestic helper named Yati Karyati seven years ago, and failing to provide her the RM84,000 in wages she was owed. Their case fell under trafficking charges in accordance with Section 12 of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007/22 (ATIPSOM).

However, Hermono said that if the suspects are convicted of their crimes and made their debt payments, the ban will be voided.

source: Malay Mail

“It is standard practise to prohibit foreign nationals from entering our country, implying that they are not wanted there. We don’t oppose this policy because it is a matter of Malaysia’s sovereign right, but a large number of Indonesians are also prohibited from visiting Malaysia because they engaged in unlawful employment there.

“The message is clear, and there are additional situations that are comparable. We won’t make compromises for bad employers,” he told NST, noting that his country shoulders the responsibility of protecting its citizens.

“Since Malaysian court processes are independent from one another, we are unable to interfere with them. However, if we think that the court’s decision did not fairly treat our residents, then we must respond to it in accordance with our laws and regulations,” he added.

source: Utusan Malaysia

Lastly, Hermono emphasised the significance of preserving the bonds of brotherhood between Malaysia and Indonesia.

“This is for the region’s overall interests as well as our bilateral objectives to sustain peace, stability, and development. But we must also accept that there are important issues that must be resolved on the basis of respect for one another, and the migrant worker situation is among them.”

He also noted that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had brought up this issue in a recent conversation with Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

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