M’sian Youth Activist Threatened with Fake Bloody Arm & Acid Attack for Viral #Lawan TikTok Video

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Police to question #Lawan protest organisers for holding rally during MCO | Malaysia | Malay Mail
source: Malay Mail

Fear and intimidation tactics against women seem to be in full-swing, especially towards those who were involved in or have voiced-out opinions on the #LAWAN protest.

Only 2 months ago, young activist Sarah Irdina was brought into the station for questioning due to the infographics she had posted for Misi Solidariti regarding the #LAWAN protest.

Last month, several women were hauled into Black Marias after holding a peaceful vigil for those who have passed from Covid-19. They were screamed at, dragged across the ground and denied their rights to legal representation. Sarah was one of the women involved.

Now, another activist is being harassed and even sent serious threats to her well-being in the form of a fake bloody arm and a letter.

Youth, Shakila Zen is an environmental activist who posted a TikTok that has since gone viral regarding the #LAWAN protest. She believes that the attention she garnered from that TikTok led to the onslaught of hate she has been receiving.

However, the latest threat to her safety is pushing the envelope too far and action needs to be taken by authorities immediately.

Malaysiakini - SSR kecam ugutan, gangguan seksual ke atas aktivis
source: Malaysiakini

Shakila recently received a box and when she opened it, she was appalled to find a fake bloody arm, a clearly violent threat. Along with the arm was a note that included expletives, a warning and the address to her workplace.

The note reads, “You think barking like a dog means you’re better than us? If I see you barking again, I will splash acid on you and your friends. I will burn your parents’ house. Be careful when you’re on the way to…”

The rest of the note was blurred, implying that there is sensitive information. It was later revealed that the redacted part included Shakila’s workplace address.

She has also been receiving numerous sexually-explicit messages on Whatsapp as well as a lewd poster that has her sensitive information on it.

At the time of writing, the Sekretariat Solidariti Rakyat has posted a statement in solidarity with Shakila.

Many condemn the fear and intimidation tactics against outspoken women and have banded together in solidarity with Shakila and other activists like her.

Shakila has since lodged several police reports regarding the incident and it is currently being investigated under Penal Code Section 507 for criminal intimidation.

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