‘Turn Rats Into Money’: MPJ Will Offer RM3 Per Rat Caught Dead Or Alive By Jasin Residents

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source: Britannica

Uncurbed rat problems, besides being hard on the eyes, can lead to serious health risks as these rodents carry threatening diseases such as hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), Tularemia and Salmonella.

The particular town of Jasin located in Melaka has been offered an interesting and slightly novel win-win solution- the Jasin Municipal Council (MPJ) has announced that residents who successfully catch rats within the area, dead or alive, will be rewarded RM3 for each one.

The deal was made in conjunction with the Rat Eradication Campaign which will take place starting today (July 14) until August 17, with the intention to attract the interest of the community and therefore make the campaign a success.

source: Utusan Malaysia

It is understood that the reward can be claimed after the rats caught are brought to the MPJ office every day from 9 a.m to 4 p.m, except on Saturdays and Sundays.

Apart from that, the community can also send the captured rats to the Merlimau Public Market on July 21 and August 4 (2 days only).

source: Melakaharini

According to its president, Datin Sapiah Haron, the ongoing Rat Eradication Campaign can help residents and shop owners to ensure that their premises are in the cleanest condition.

“We do not limit the number of rats a person can catch; the more rats brought, the greater the rewards they can get. This effort is the best step to encourage the public to help MPJ eradicate the pests, either at home or restaurant premises,” said the council.

Let’s hope this rat-ical move makes all the difference for Jasin town!

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