Military’s Presence at GSC Makes Netizens Nervous To Go Back To The Cinema

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After months of waiting, GSC finally announced it will reopen its doors last Friday so we can watch movies in theatres again.

While many rejoiced in this news, some were hesitant to be in a closed space with a crowd due to the looming Covid-19 pandemic. However, SOPs are surely to be upheld and apparently, there will be armed security on the premises to make sure of that.

A viral tweet from @shahfazan showed security in military and police getup standing guard outside the theatre as well as sitting inside.

Take a look:

According to Sinar Harian, this is taking place at GSC Alamanda in order to ensure all movie-goers adhere to the SOPs set during the RMCO and CMCO.

Surely this dampened the mood for netizens because watching a film is supposed to be a fun experience and having an armed officer sitting next to you while you chomp on popcorn isn’t the most ideal situation.

Since Malaysians are naturally very funny creatures, here are a few reactions from the Twittersphere:

I can imagine it would be very awkward to go on a first date with a cutie you met on Bumble and have an armed chaperone just waiting to see you screw up.

In that case, Godspeed to all lovebirds and avid moviegoers…

At least we know nobody will be pirating those movies while they’re around!

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