Messi’s Used Tissue is Being Sold Online For RM4.24 Million Because It Has His “Genetic Material”

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Messi’s used tissue at his farewell conference was auctioned for one million dollars. — Reuters pic
source: Malay Mail

Football fanboys sobbed when legendary Barcelona striker, Lionel Messi announced he was leaving the club last week. But unlike his fanboys, the tissues he used to wipe those tears are worth more than a car in Malaysia.

After announcing his departure at a press conference, a person who attended the speech picked up the used tissue he used and set up an advertisement online, selling it for US$1 million (RM4.24 million).

The seller justified the hefty price by saying that the tissue contained Messi’s “genetic material.”

I don’t know about you but this sounds like some Rick and Morty sh*t. I just hope nobody uses it to spawn clones in Messi’s image.

While the initial announcement was sad for everyone who has followed his football career since the beginning, this somewhat dystopian spin is definitely laughable.

Messi has since joined Paris Saint-Germain and will continue to make macho men scream at their televisions for more years to come.

Let’s just hope those same macho men don’t give women any smack when they want to buy merch from their favourite K-pop idols!

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