McDonald’s Guangzhou Outlet Apologises for Banning Black People in Fear of Covid-19

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A McDonald’s branch in Guangzhou, China got itself in hot water after putting up a sign which banned black people from entering its premises. The sign read: “We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health, consciously notify the local police for medical isolation, please understand the inconvenience caused.”

It seems the only inconvenienced parties in this situation were black people who unfortunately entered the McDonalds in Guangzhou that day. McDonald’s have since issued an apology stating that this incident was “not representative of our inclusive values” and have since removed the sign and temporarily shut the outlet down.

source: Asia Times.

CNN points out that “Guangzhou has long had the largest African community in China” which is mainly due to Africans travelling in and out of China several times a year for business. They also reported that McDonald’s would “further educate managers and employees on our values, which includes serving all members of the communities in which we operate.”

This wasn’t the first incident of xenophobia towards Africans in Guangzhou. Just recently, Africans living in Guangzhou were forced by landlords to evict their apartments and even turned away from hotels. It’s pretty confusing as to why these xenophobic feelings have emerged in this time of crisis seeing how the virus originated from… well you know.

Safe to say, I doubt the Africans in Guangzhou are lovin’ it there right now.

source: Know Your Meme

(*Feature image taken from Free Malaysia Today)

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