Malaysia’s Classic Pop-Trio KRU Is Breaking Up Next Month

In a report by Berita Harian, one of the country’s most phenomenal pop groups, KRU has unanimously chosen to disband after its 25th anniversary concert on 4-6 May ’18. Its members or the “band of brothers” consist of Datuk Norman, Yusry and Edry Abdul Halim.
“This will be our final concert. With that we are breaking up,” Yusry said at a press conference held in Impiana KLCC yesterday.
In line with the concert, KRU will release a compilation CD of 30 songs with one new track, ‘Tahan Lama’.
“The song is a statement of success, not only of KRU’s but any individual,” Edry said.
A teary-eyed Norman thanked the fans and their parents, saying, “I think we have achieved everything we wanted to do as a group. Each of us have our own responsibilities and respective projects. It’s time for us to move forward.”
He continued by saying, “Calling it a day as a pop trio has been in our minds for more than a year now, since we aren’t getting any younger. But we wanted to give our fans a memorable farewell, and KRU25 has to be it.”

Despite disbanding their act, Norman, Yusry and Edry will continue with their business empire, KRU Studios, producing music for various artistes as well as television programmes and films.
Norman said: “The name KRU will continue as our business entity, and that means we will all go behind the scenes to guide new artistes and actors.”
Yusry notified the crowd by stating that KRU25 would coincide with the launch of their 13th and final album Gergasi, which contains 30 tracks.
“It’s a compilation album, with many of our best-selling songs, plus a new one, ‘Tahan Lama’, a duet with Joe Flizzow,” he said, adding that their final single highlighted the importance of hard work and resilience in life.
“’Tahan Lama’, in many ways, is our statement of success. We’ll launch it on April 30, and it’ll be out in the market on the first day of our concert.”
KRU was formed in 1992 and exploded the music scene with their songs. Breaking the barrier and blending genres like pop, r’n’b and hip-hop, it’s no wonder that they are one of the most iconic artistes in the industry until today.
Remember this track right here?
For more information about the concert call 03-4026 5555 / 2276 0038 or visit their Facebook page.