Malaysian Mystery Memoirs: Paws And Premonitions

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In the summer of 2020, Amy, a newlywed, had moved into the quaint neighbourhood of Bukit Tunku with her husband. He was a security guard who usually worked late nights, so she found comfort in the companionship of the stray Oyen cats who would frequent the home in anticipation of a warm meal – which Amy graciously offered them each time.

One day came a cat that stood out from the rest. It had a unique deep brown colouring with obsidian eyes, and seemed to show up out of nowhere. It also quickly took a liking to Amy, lounging on the porch even in her absence.

Unlike the transient nature of the other cats, this particular one lingered until nighttime, seemingly shunned by the rest of the pack – which prompted Amy to treat it with an extra pang of sympathy.

Soon enough, the cat developed a habit of snuggling close to her belly, gently pawing at it and making soft meows. It wasn’t until a missed period stirred suspicions that Amy discovered she was pregnant – and that her new furry companion may have known all this time.

The family, upon visiting and hearing of the unusual tale, welcomed the new feline presence, saying that its timely appearance was a harbinger of an impending miracle. Her mother-in-law, especially superstitious, believed that it was perhaps some sort of ‘guardian angel’ in disguise who had come to protect the child.

Eventually the cat was let into the home – but not a step past the hallway – to enjoy regular meals. Yet, as Amy’s belly swelled, so did the mysterious cat’s audacity…

Months passed, and one night as the house slumbered, the cat ventured where it had never been permitted – Amy’s bedroom, where she had, as usual, dozed off on her own while awaiting her husband’s return from work.

Hours past feeding time, Amy attempted to ignore the cat’s plaintive cries, but the pleas did not cease – so she eventually carried it out of the bedroom and to the hall, to extend it another offering of food before going back to bed and locking the door behind her.

Amy had trouble falling back asleep though, partly because she felt bad that she did not layan her ‘miracle cat’.

This guilt and restlessness kept Amy awake, and eventually, she succumbed to the urge to check on the cat. She headed back out to the dim, quiet hall – where she encountered the most terrifying sight of her life.

A tiny, deep brown, otherworldly figure, almost resembling the infamous toyol, was crouched over the bowl of rice and tuna, feasting silently as its furry brown tail wagged gently in delight. It looked up at her, its dark eyes now tinged with a scarlet red. With a mouthful of fish, the creature gave her a soft, gentle meow.

* All illustrations AI-generated via DALL·E.

Malaysian Mystery Memoirs is a series of fictional horror tales by JUICE, for entertainment purposes only. Any similarities to actual persons or situations are purely coincidental.