LOL! Reporter’s Naked Husband Accidentally Seen on Live TV

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(source: MStar)

Working from home during the coronavirus crisis has provided some candid moments into the lives of broadcasters. According to MStar, a US news reporter accidentally filmed her husband in the shower during a live broadcast from her bathroom recently. Mortifying – that’s the word. 

The California reporter, Melinda Meza was in the middle of a live broadcast where she was trying to show viewers how difficult it is to cut your own hair during the quarantine. Instead of focusing on her bangs, she accidentally gave viewers a glimpse of her husband, Mike de Lambert who was butt-naked.

Unfortunately for both of them, she didn’t realise that her husband was reflected in the mirror behind her and that particular moment was being splashed across live TV.

Before you know it, the video of what happened was posted on social media with many rushing in to have their say.

“Lmao I was like how is no one else seeing this! I would have been cracking up if I was at the news station”, one Twitter user said.

“Damn why she wanna work when she’s got all that at home?” teased another.

Ladies, please remember to check your surroundings before you turn on that camera!

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