24 y/o Law Student Sets Himself Ablaze In Double Suicide Attempt Following Exam Failure

For many students, the pressure to perform well academically can be excessive, and regrettably, some turn to extreme approaches when they fail to obtain the grades they desire. In a recent instance, a 24-year-old Chinese-Malaysian law student made two suicide attempts in the same incident, after failing in his examinations three times.
The shocking event occurred within Segamat, when the student set himself ablaze at a petrol station before darting across a busy street in the hopes of provoking a fatal collision.
The owner of the petrol station acted quickly to put out the flames with a fire extinguisher, but the student simply crossed the street and sat down in the middle of it, persistent with his intention to harm himself. Although the driver of a lorry driving by was able to halt in time, a Proton Wira lost control and collided with the lorry, resulting in an accident.

According to reports, the law student was brought to Segamat Central Hospital for treatment after having 70% of his body burned. The matter is being investigated by the authorities, and if the law student is found guilty under Section 309 of the Penal Code, he may face a prison sentence and a fine.
The provision has been a subject of debate for its criminalisation of suicide attempts instead of providing support and intervention for those struggling with mental health issues. However, as of now, it’s still a law that’s enforced in Malaysia and carries legal consequences for those who attempt suicide.
Although the exact reasons behind the student’s actions remain unknown, it is generally believed that his third failure on the legal exam left him feeling ashamed to face his family.
The Segamat Police have urged members of the public who may have information regarding the incident to contact them at 07-9324222.

This awful occurrence emphasises the value of mental health and the necessity of getting support while dealing with pressure from the classroom or other difficulties. The police advise anyone who is under mental stress to get counselling or other professional assistance and to refrain from acting impulsively. Netizens have noted that this incident also serves as a reminder for educational institutions to promote the wellbeing and mental health of students.
It’s vital to recognise the signs of academic pressure and mental stress and seek help when needed. No grade or academic achievement is worth sacrificing one’s mental and physical health.
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, or know someone who is, don’t hesitate to seek help:
Talian Kasih
Agape Counselling Centre Malaysia
03-77855955 or 03-77810800
Life Line Association Malaysia