Laid-Off Employee Allegedly Did a Live-Video After Ramming Car Into Office, Before Killed By Trailer

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(source: NST)

According to NST, an ex-manager of a factory has intentionally crashed his Honda Civic vehicle into his former company’s building yesterday. The incident unfolded at about 6.45 pm at an industrial area in Chemor, Ipoh.

After ramming the car once, he got out and threw a bottle of petrol into the Human Resource Management office. Then, the man re-entered his car and did it again by crashing into a production labelling room which caused a fire to start. It was quickly put out by security guards in the building.

“Soon after that, the man walked out of the building using the main entrance. No one was injured in the incident and he did not carry any weapon. A team of policemen was dispatched to the scene to investigate the case, and the losses incurred are estimated at about RM1 million,” said district police chief Assistant Commissioner A. Asmadi Abdul Aziz.

District police chief Assistant Commissioner A. Asmadi Abdul Aziz (source: Harian Metro)

Before an arrest was made, police received a report that the man was killed when he was hit by a trailer lorry along Jalan Kuala Kangsar an hour later. While many netizens are speculating that the 52-year-old’s death was by suicide, the investigation is still on-going.

Asmadi noted that the man was unhappy over his company’s decision to terminate his employment from work since September this year.

The police were also informed that the former employee had disciplinary issues and the company was investigating a report that said he threatened the top management.

Meanwhile, a 14-minute live-video of the alleged man has been uploaded on YouTube and has been seen circulating social media. Many believed that the clip was recorded after the incident happened but the exact time is still unknown.

In the video, the man said that the company promised to give him share equity, increment and bonus – but when it did not happen, he confronted the higher management which led to the “allegations” against him. He mentioned that his life is miserable and that he is stressed out after only receiving half his salary for the past month.

One quote that stood out in the video was,

“I’m not a beggar. I should get paid for what I do, the job that I do”.

Watch the full video here:

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