Kuala Lumpur is Alive!

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Mercedes-Benz Malaysia recently unleashed the video to the launch of their Project Alive: MY, an initiative highlighting the niche side of Kuala Lumpur outside your run-of-the-mill Tourism Malaysia ads (so no Batu Caves and 1Malaysia tripe here, folks). JUICE can’t help but feel excited to see familiar faces, nights, and venues we’ve covered before featured in the video — from Papa Hipster himself Irman Hilmi, designer Silas Liew, buzz band The Impatient Sisters, to local brand Pestle & Mortar. And that’s not all there is to it, the video is made by friend of JUICE and multimedia artist Ion. If you look really carefully, you might even find us somewhere in the video.

Project Alive: MY seeks to discover the crevasses of the city — every cool eatery hidden somewhere, DIY boutique, outsider musician, up-and-coming club night, and fringe culture — and extract all the subcultures to the public eye. They can’t do this alone though, Mercedes-Benz is calling out every citizen of Kuala Lumpur to share their love for the metropolis with them and the rest of the world.

Click here to find out how you can be part of the project.

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