Kai Fish: Homerton Baby

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Kai Fish, better known for his role as bassist of indie rock band Mystery Jets, released his debut solo album Life In Monochrome earlier this year. Reflecting a period of transition in the musician’s life; amidst the end of a 6 year relationship and beginning of the new relationship that resulted in his marriage, we catch Fish at his most emotionally raw, honest and open.

Whilst My Anima and Cobalt Cheeks see Fish crooning about his loss over dark melodies, his third and latest single Homerton Baby captures that post-breakup moment when you go out and forget about the breakup BS and your ex-girlfriend’s smile (or cooking, whatever) for a while. Fish makes it pretty clear: he’s bounced back and is having fun! Don’t believe me? Count how many times he refers to fun in the song (12). If he wasn’t having so much fun he probably could have sat back and thought of some synonyms for the word fun. But he couldn’t. Because he was too busy. Not sulking over his break up. Having fun! Check out Homerton Baby for a great little indie rock tune to throw on and have some fun of your own. And yes, we can’t stop saying fun either.


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