Just in Time for Gawai and Kaamatan Festivals, Lazada Offers Free Shipping To East M’sia

To help the Sabahan and Sarawakian communities send love back home for Hari Gawai and the Kaamatan Festival that’s happening this 31 May, Lazada Malaysia announced that it will be supplying a platform-wide Free Shipping voucher on East Malaysian deliveries!
Kayla Tan, a Sabahan as well as the Head of Innovation and Special Projects at Lazada Malaysia said, “A lot of East Malaysians, like myself, have not been able to meet our families and friends back home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For some of us, we have been away from home for more than a year now and the homesickness can be overwhelming at times, especially during Hari Gawai and the Kaamatan Festival”.
She also noted that increasing demand for online purchases and delivery to East Malaysia was on a high and that’s what inspired Lazada to give back to the local communities by providing the special East Malaysia Free Shipping voucher.
So, from 30 May until 6 June 2021, Lazada users can collect the RM10 East Malaysia Free Shipping voucher, with no minimum spend, on the Free Shipping page on the Lazada app or via this link (http://lzd.co/LazadaMYFreeShipping).
The platform-wide voucher can be used for purchases delivered to any East Malaysian addresses! Noiceee…
This enables Lazada to support the homesick East Malaysian communities in West Malaysia, while also aiding those who are homebound in East Malaysia to get everyday essentials safely from home.
The special voucher will also be valid throughout the Lazada 6.6 SHOPMANIA Sale, which is ongoing now until 6 June, where all online shoppers can collect 6.6 Free Shipping vouchers every day!
Let’s get to shopping, we deserve it.