The Good, The Bad & The Bloody: JUICE Reviews Menstrual Cups from Bloody Goodshop

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by JUICE Illustrator, Safa Azul

Despite periods being a universal experience, we don’t see that much talk about it online, especially when it comes to our preferred methods of handling it.

While pads are the most common in Malaysia, it is not the most eco-friendly or sustainable of options when it comes to navigating menstruation.

In fact, menstrual cups are the best which is why the JUICE team decided to collaborate with local shop, Bloody Goodshop to try out a few menstrual cup brands.

Intimidating at first since it is considered uncharted territory for loyal pad users, we at JUICE believe that it is always better to keep an open mind and try out new things especially when it has been proven to be the most cost efficient and sustainable option.

Without further ado, here are our honest reviews…

Quinny – Ruby

I’m not gonna lie, my first impression of a menstrual cup was terrifying – and I wasn’t completely wrong.

When I got the Ruby cup, I’d heard that it was the smallest size and soft enough for beginners to try out.

With that said, plus all the environmental benefits a cup provides and the constant nagging from my friends that it “changes you and your kitty’s life,” I finally took the plunge and decided to suction it up.

The first time I used it was actually a breeze. Pinching the cup to insert it was a lot easier than I initially thought it would be.

It felt so comfortable while it was inside that I got a little cocky and went swimming too. And I suspiciously didn’t feel a thing. It felt good, almost too good to be true. So I decided after 4 hours that it was time to remove it.

But that was a whole different game.

Ruby Cup - Bloody Goodshop

It was fully lodged-in and my gorilla grip puthy just wouldn’t let it out. I was bent over like an Olympic gymnast, fishing for it but I could barely reach the cup.

I was sweating, shaking, and searching online, “Has anyone ever gotten a menstrual cup surgically removed?” while my finger was frantically spinning in circles in my coochie to find it.

Eventually I got it out, through pushing like I was giving birth to a 25ml silicone child, and gave up on it for the rest of the cycle. My uterus and I were too traumatised to be environmentally conscious at the moment.

by JUICE Illustrator, Safa Azul

However, I wasn’t quite ready to completely give up on it yet. I reached out to a couple of gals who have been using menstrual cups for years now and asked for advice. Turns out I was using the wrong method to take it out. My bad… 

So I mustered up the courage to try it for a second cycle (after a very long pep talk in the mirror) and used a different method to take it out – using my thumb. And voila, it was as easy as ripping off a pad.

From then on my experience was seamless and I was inserting and removing the cup in less than a minute. I had zero leaks, it was saving me lots of money on sanitary products, and I didn’t need to worry about not having a pad or tampon on me to change.

So, my advice is: Trust the thumb. Now that I know the right way to use it, I’m switching over to the cup, indefinitely.

Safa – Organicup Mini

I’ve tried inserting regular-sized period cups before, but I never actually managed to get them inside me due to my own anxieties surrounding the period cup.

How will this big scary-looking silicone cup fit and sit inside me? It’ll hurt, won’t it? And I’ll definitely feel it inside me the whole time, right?

Those were my thoughts trying to slowly insert the cups in the past, and each time it would hurt before I could even fully insert it. So, for a while I gave up.

But that didn’t change the fact that I always hated wearing pads. I hated cleaning up and having to deal with blood-soaked pads that smelled funky overtime in my trashcan. So, when I saw the Organicup Mini it seemed like a godsend.

What first struck me with the Organicup Mini (besides the smaller size) was how soft it was. It’s softer than the previous cups I’ve tried which makes it more flexible to fold and insert. Also, the fact that it was tiny made me feel more confident trying to put this smaller cup inside me.

Well, I wish I could say that the confidence instantly made me a pro at inserting the cup this time, but your girl struggled.

How to use a Menstrual Cup? - Pristyn Care
source: Pristyn Care

I’m embarrassed to admit that at my lowest point I was sitting in front of my mirror trying to remove the cup, legs wide open, with my thumb inside me to break the suction of the period cup – it’s all in the thumb, folks.

The other hand was gripping onto the period cup stem in a semi-panicked attempt for it to not get lost in my seemingly bottomless vaginal canal.

I even had to sit on a plastic bag to catch my very heavy flow which obviously leaked during this fishing process.

JUICE Illustrator, Safa Azul

The rest of my cycle was a very tedious process of a 10-minute insertion attempt, and a 10-minute removal attempt. At the time I found it inconvenient, especially since I was travelling (I did experience small leaks here and there).

But regardless I was honestly more amazed at how I mostly could not even feel it inside me, and my hatred for using pads was so strong that I was still determined to try it out for another cycle.

Wisest. Decision. Ever.

AllMatters Menstrual Cup (OrganiCup) - Bloody Goodshop

During my second cycle, I definitely got more confident with insertion and removal, and I’m proud to announce that what used to take me 20 minutes now only takes me 2!

I feel like the reason it used to take me so long was because I wasn’t familiar with my vagina and vulva, which explained the confusion on where to actually insert the cup.

Now that I’ve grown more familiar with my lady parts (through much trial and error), there’s no more anxiety surrounding the cup and it’s no longer scary to me, so taking it in and out is a breeze!

Safe to say I’ve discovered the magic that is the period cup and I am never going back. Not having to deal with a pile of bloody cotton waste after a cycle is something I will never miss.

My only issue now is that this cup is too small to contain my very heavy flow, which would lead to leaks if I don’t change it frequently throughout the day.

Thankfully I’m more than ready to graduate from my Organicup Mini and add that bigger period cup to my cart ASAP!

As you can probably tell, the menstrual cup comes with a few challenges but it is ultimately worth it once you get the hang of it.

Reducing waste, improving our knowledge of our own vagina and decreasing the likelihood of leaks and foul odours throughout the day, the Ruby and Organicup Mini are perfect for beginners who are trying to step out of their comfort zone.

A word of advice, if you find yourself panicking during your first attempt at the menstrual cup, just take a deep breath and take your time with it.

If you feel like you’re ready to start your menstrual cup journey, feel free to browse Bloody Goodshop’s catalogue and choose the best fit for you.

Good luck!

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