Prom-esque Poster Circulates In Johor Bahru, Inviting People To Engage In A ‘Gang Bang Sex Party’

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Have you ever been formally invited to an orgy?

We wish that question was merely an item of shock value, but in Johor Bahru, it’s become a reality, where a poster advertising an event known as the “Gang Bang JB Party” has set the Internet ablaze.

The event, slated to take place on June 20th at 4-9 p.m., has been met with inevitable controversy due to its explicit nature and the detailed terms and conditions outlined on the poster.

Among them, the poster states that participants are urged to bring their own condoms, as the organisers cannot provide them individually. They must also ensure that their interactions are consensual and are expected to shower before the event commences. Attendees were thus advised in the poster to bring their own towels to maintain cleanliness.

Additionally, anal sex, recording, smoking and vaping were strictly prohibited.

“Watchers” were also welcomed, provided they forward their particulars via e-mail.

The event was advertised on Twitter, where it was quick to go viral while netizens questioned its authenticity. Others, without a flair of doubt, went on to message the orgy-niser to reserve their spots or make enquiries.

This poster has stirred up a lot of debate, but it also has drawn the attention of the authorities, who have reservations about the context of the situation and its possible legal ramifications.

The head of the Johor Islamic Religious Affairs Committee, Mohd Fared Mohd Khalid, recently expressed his severe condemnation of the polarising “Gang Bang JB Party” in a Facebook post. The lawmaker sharply advised against indulging in such immoral behaviour in Johor, emphasising that urging people to publicly engage in vices and immoral activities will not be authorised.

Mohd Fared Mohd Khalid took swift action and declared that he had directed the Islamic Religious Department of Johor (JAINJ) to undertake a comprehensive investigation into the matter. He urged immediate action, issued a warning to the planners, and put forth an open plea for assistance with bringing an end to the scheduled gathering.

As of now, the social media account associated with the event, as well as the original post, have been removed. The current status of the event remains uncertain, and it is unclear whether it will proceed as planned.

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