Japanese Man Makes Daily Videos Of His Cute Pet Pig That He Plans To Slaughter On Day 100

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As far as animal cruelty goes, where do we draw the line between morality and mortality?

This Japanese man started recording his 100 day journey with his new “pet” 3 months ago and posted up the videos on YouTube.

The first video shows a 75-day old pig, getting accustomed to its new environment and shown nuzzling up to the owner. In the description, he stated that it’s “a casual daily life until Kalbi is eaten.”

The little squealer is named after the Korean word for “ribs.” Morbid or ironic?

At the end of each video, he has even attached a countdown to the fateful day when Kalbi is finally slaughtered.

There were already a mix of comments, one of them translating to “eating is love, but it’s also love that you can’t eat.”

Since 25 May this year, the pig owner has been documenting and updating daily videos of the pig on YouTube, shown feeding it a myriad of steamed vegetables to “fatten it up”, playing with it, and just general pet-loving content. All with very clear intentions to eat the pig after 100 days.

Fast forward to Day 98, some of the channel’s followers are still doubtful that Kalbi’s owner is really going to have him killed for food, given the loving manner in which Kalbi has been raised so far. Despite this, they started to say their goodbyes anyway.

“However things are going to turn out, I’m not going to say anything. Thank you Kalbi for teaching me the importance of life.”

“Pigs can’t be fed for at least 12 hours before they are slaughtered, if he’s really killed, this will most likely be his last meal.”

As for the video posted a day before, the channel owner had titled it, “Please tell me your favourite pork dishes. (Day 97)”

While commenters were sad to see Kalbi go, they still gamely revealed what their favourite pork dishes were.

“To eat Kalbi after he has grown so big… I like fried pork cutlet rice bowl…”

“For Kalbi’s sake, I hope that his bones could go into making Tonkotsu ramen (broth), and that not just his meat is used.”

When the YouTube channel was first started, the shock value of what the YouTuber planned to do with his mini pig had sparked discussions on the internet, and had people guessing if he would really kill the animal after 100 days.

Here’s the latest video:

While some called the YouTuber cruel for killing a “companion”, others felt that what he’s really trying to do is to raise awareness about meat eating.

What do you think?

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