“Indians Prey on Chinese Girls” Racist Lecturer From Viral Video In The Process of Getting Fired

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source: Mothership

A celebration of unity in cultures, interracial marriage is often placed on a pedestal in the eyes of the public. While it does come with some significant drawbacks, especially if you live in Malaysia, overall, the marriage of two cultures is a beautiful thing.

Despite that, not everyone seems to agree with this consensus.

In case you missed it, a Singaporean named Dave Parkash went viral after he posted a video of him being confronted by a racist man on Orchard Road.

Watch the video below:

Parkash was shocked when the man came up to him to tell him that his relationship with his Chinese girlfriend was “racist” and that her parents should be ashamed of her for being with an Indian man.

Ironically, both Parkash and his girlfriend were birthed from interracial marriages with Parkash being half Indian and half Filipino and his girlfriend being half Chinese and half Thai.

The 9-minute video exploded on the internet with many netizens slamming the uncle for his archaic views on marriage and race. Not only was he incredibly rude and intrusive to the couple, but he kept insisting that the Chinese should not marry outside of their race since it brings “shame” to the family.

After the video went viral, many people began sleuthing to find out the identity of the racist man. Not long after, we discovered that the man is actually a lecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP).

source: Mothership

When his identity surfaced as Tan Boon Lee, NP immediately suspended him from teaching and lodged an internal investigation into the matter.

A spokesman for NP said, “We take a very serious view of the matter as the remarks made by the individual are highly offensive, disrespectful and goes against our staff code of conduct and values as a community.”

source: Mothership

Since then, NP is now in the process of firing the lecturer after another incident with him surfaced online. This time, he was accused of being Islamophobic in class by one of his students.

Police investigations are still ongoing for the two incidents.

If you come across individuals like this, hold them accountable. Racial superiority should be a thing of the past and we must progress into a more united future amongst all cultures, creeds and religions.

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