Have a Summer Raya @ Lost World of Tambun

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Tune out from the hustle and bustle of the city and dive into the relaxing environment of Ipoh. Surrounded by well-preserved limestone hills and caves, a vibrant food scene, and old architecture with modern amenities, the friendly town might be the best place to escape to this upcoming Raya holidays!

Ensuring that you’ll get the wholesome Raya experience, Lost World Of Tambun (LWOT) ushers the Hari Raya celebration with its Summer Raya campaign, boasting a myriad of activities that will give y’all a blast from the past!

From a month starting for 9 June, get ready to be greeted with a variety of performances and activities such as The Summer Raya Show, a must-see live performance that will showcase the festive Raya mood. Dance to the rhythm of Raya songs at Joget Lambak Raya or flaunt your artistic skills with the Raya Art N Craft.

For those who take their style and instagram seriously, do not miss the special #OOTD Raya taking place at 1.30pm from 15 to 24 June at the Malayana Village, and be sure to witness the breath-taking Flaming Percussion as they ignite the Hot Springs Night Park Stage at 9pm too.

You could also learn more about the Malayana Tribe in Lost World Of Tambun by catching the Malayana warriors in action during the Humalaya Malayana performance, Malayana Story, or get up close with them through the Malayana Games and Wefie with Cool Tribe.

As the Raya vibe continues at the Dulang Tea House, you can feast on the irresistible Raya Delights offering traditional delicacies such as Ketupat, Lemang, Rendang Tok, and Satay. Take a bite out of the special Pizza Raya which infuses the unique fragrance of traditional Satay and Rendang. Ugh, we’re drooling too..

After whetting your appetite, take a moment to relax and dip into the natural hot springs and spa or stroll down the Lost World Petting Zoo and be amused with the eccentric behaviours of more than 55 species ranging from birds, mammals and reptiles.

End the night by walking through the Luminous Forest, a mystical and enchanting landmark within the natural terrains of the park which unravels the night in the most whimsical way.

From now until 30 June, visitors can purchase 3 Adult tickets and get the next 2 tickets free, when you purchase them online.

Get tickets through their website by clicking, here

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