Gossip Girl Actor Ed Westwick is Accused of Rape by Kristina Cohen

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Images Vanity Fair + People

Hollywood has been on a roll with sex crimes lately, ever since Harvey Weinstein‘s scandal brought forward a lot of women who couldn’t stand up for themselves in the past. Adding to the list is actress Kristina Cohen, who has recently took to Facebook to report a rape case done to her by Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick three years ago at his apartment.

Actress Kristina Cohen, who has played minor roles in several movies and TV series.

To summarise the lengthy Facebook post, Cohen opened up about a dark time in her life and how her then boyfriend (who also happens to be her producer) brought her to Westwick’s home for a visit. Coerced into sex by Westwick, Cohen was put under pressure by her ex-boyfriend to stay in order to not make Westwick feel “awkward.” While taking a nap in the guest room as suggested by her unnamed ex, Cohen claimed to have woken up by Westwick who forced himself onto her.

“I was woken up abruptly by Ed on top of me, his fingers entering my body,” said the 27-year-old actress. “I told him to stop, but he was strong. I fought him off as hard as I could but he grabbed my face in his hands, shaking me, telling me he wanted to fuck me. I was paralysed, terrified. I couldn’t speak, I could no longer move. He held me down and raped me.”

Ever since the post has gone viral, netizens have been taking sides – with some disagreeing with Cohen’s “fake claims” and another group disagreeing with Westwick, who played bad boy Chuck Bass in hit television series Gossip Girl. Twitter user Nikki Kay pointed out an important aspect of crime allegations, which is to give both parties the benefit of the doubt:

Westwick denied all allegations on Instagram, and have yet to comment further on the issue. He is currently under investigation by Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).

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Read Kristina Cohen’s full Facebook post here.

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