Google’s New Advertising Revenue Lab Malaysia Is Set To Accelerate Digital News

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(From left to right) Nicholas Sagau – COO, Rev Media Group; Arianne Santoso – Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager, Google; YB Fahmi Fadzil – Minister of Communications; Adeel Farhan – News Partner Manager, Google; Rafiq Razali – Group MD, Media Prima Berhad. Image provided to JUICE.

Google has just announced the launch of Google News Initiative’s Advertising Revenue Lab Malaysia, supported by the Ministry of Communications.

Designed to empower small and medium-sized news publishers in Malaysia, the new program will equip local newsrooms with the tools and knowledge to thrive in an ever-evolving media landscape.

As the latest addition to a series of Google News Initiative (GNI) programs, the Advertising Revenue Lab Malaysia aims to work directly with publishers of all sizes to enhance their digital advertising capabilities and foster sustainable business models.

Valuable insights and strategies for growth

In addition to providing technical and product training, the program will also offer hands-on support for optimising websites, improving audience engagement, and growing advertising revenue. Advertising Revenue Lab Malaysia participants will gain valuable insights and strategies to grow their digital advertising revenues, while still retaining a high level of news quality for communities throughout Malaysia.

“The Ministry of Communications welcomes and appreciates Google’s initiative to improve media sustainability in Malaysia. This collaboration marks a crucial milestone for the Malaysian news industry. By equipping news publishers with essential digital tools and expertise, we believe that their business models can be enhanced, ensuring a diverse, more sustainable, and thriving local news ecosystem,” said YB Fahmi Fadzil, Minister of Communications.

This was also echoed by Media Prima Berhad’s Group Managing Director, Rafiq Razali, who shared that the initiative “reflects Google’s ongoing dedication to innovation and supporting a free and open internet. We are confident that this will pave the way for a vibrant and sustainable future for news and content creators across the country, unlocking new opportunities for the Malaysian media industry and fostering a thriving digital ecosystem that will ultimately benefit content consumers.”

Click here for more information and to apply for the Advertising Revenue Lab Malaysia

For more news, head to JUICE Malaysia.

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