JUICE Diabolically Big Guide to FMFA ’13
Last Year…
1. 25,000 people showed up to party at the first ever Future Music Festival Asia.
2. One of the acts (he who shall not be named) got slapped up by another act (a solo artiste also shall not be named) because of indecent behaviour in the loo.
3. The fire truck left at their scheduled time… just as our massive display of fireworks went off. (Won’t happen again this year, promise!)
4. The whole crew discovered over the span of 3 days that Red Bull Europe does, indeed, give you wings.
5. One artiste liaison couldn’t stop crying when the act he was handling played on stage. He had to be removed. But guess what? They flew him down for the next show they played after FMFA.
6. 3 hours after the festival ended, we found a guy in the field. Who lost everything including his phone, his wallet, his car keys. And his girlfriend. If anybody has seen his marbles, please return to Livescape.
7. An entire golf course was closed at 2am for the lead singer of a particular headlining band just so he can play golf. In full golfing gear.
8. Our star attraction Ferris wheel proved to everyone that Ferris wheels do not have to move slowly.
9. We had a security guard who couldn’t take it anymore, left his post, stole Cosmic Gate’s hospitality rider and made off to party at the festival.
10. We managed to pull of South East Asia’s biggest music festival to date. We hope you came, you danced and you had the time of your lives. Thank you for the support.
This Year…
With not one but two days and more acts and attractions, we hope that it opens up more infinite possibilities to have fun, more opportunities to equally crazy people like you, more chances to get up to some good old fashioned mischief and countless unforgettable memories to be had.
We are very proud to welcome you to Future Music Festival Asia ‘13.
Livescape Asia xx