Father Dresses Up As Bumblebee To Surprise Son On His First Day Back To School

If there’s one way of getting kids back to school after months of staying at home, it has to be dressing up as a giant, transform-able alien-robot.
Although China, like the rest of the world, has been under lockdown for the most part of 2020, schools have been allowed re-open recently, prompting a father in China to built a Bumblebee suit to surprise his son and other preschoolers on their first day back to school.

He built the 2.3-metre suit using soft materials to prevent curious children who want to touch the suit from getting accidental injuries. While the suit itself doesn’t look hazardous, it does look realistic and like it weighs a tonne.
“I also want to bring happiness to other children. I didn’t only wear it for my own child. All of them were preschoolers,” he said in the video.
You can clearly see little humans rushing to greet the father as they were all excited to see the Autobot defender. The dad deserves a socially distanced high-five for his dedication to make kids excited to go back to school and for his awesome craft-work.
The video below by BBC gives us a good look at the home-made suit, which seems to be inspired by the 2017 movie Bumblebee.