Durians Are Gonna Be Cheaper in the Future

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Images Urbanina + The Spruce

Good news stinky fruit lovers! Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek has recently announced that Malaysia now has the technology to preserve durian for a longer shelf life through deep freeze and collagen. This, in return, will help curb the issue of the fruit’s price price hike due to short supply of durian – a result of our current weather conditions.

The newly introduced technology will help the fruit last for up to one year, so consumers no longer have to wait for durian season to devour their favourite fruit.

The demand in durian has led sellers to charge more than RM100 per kilogram, a steep increase when variants like Black Thorn used to sell for RM40 to RM60 per kilogram. When asked if Malaysia is capable of producing durian all year long, Ahmad Shabery responded with:

“Already, the durian season is coming and the price of Musang King had dropped to between RM50 and RM40 per kilogram recently.”

(source: Root of Science)

The minister also added on that the global market has a preference for Malaysian durian than Thailand, a surprising fact since Thailand is the largest exporter of fresh and frozen durian. With a positive news like this coming up, one might have too much of a good thing. However, the minister was quoted saying:

“Singapore’s Changi General Hospital stated that durian are naturally rich in potassium, dietary fibre, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex.”

Well, that all sounds like a good deal to us. We also hope that newer technology that go beyond fruit preservation will be introduced to us soon, like a 24-hour online food delivery service, perhaps?

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