Director of ‘Shaun of The Dead’, Edgar Wright Praises M’sian Indie Horror Film ‘Roh’

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Any avid consumer of pop culture would immediately recognise the name Edgar Wright since the director has helmed some of the most quotable and recognisable films in pop culture history.

Not only did he direct the cult classic Cornetto Trilogy, consisting of Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End, but he was also the man behind Scott Pilgrim vs The Worldwhich has been deemed as the film that solidified the manic pixie dream girl aesthetic for softboys all across the globe.

In short, Wright is a pretty big deal, so when he included Malaysia’s recent indie crowning glory, Roh, in a list of films he adores, fans went berserk on social media.

For the uninitiated, Roh, is a low budget horror film by local production Kuman Pictures that was selected by FINAS as our entry for the Oscars. Not only did the film garner critical acclaim but regular viewers enjoyed the film as well since it was a fresh new take on the horror genre.

An atmospheric slow-burn that reveals its horrors gradually but effectively, it’s not hard to see how the film has captured Wright’s eye.

When Kuman Pictures caught wind of Wright’s inclusion of their film in his list, they thanked the director for supporting the film.

Check out their wholesome interaction below:

Malaysia is on the path to global recognition and sooner or later, we’ll finally get to see one of our homegrown talents step up on that Oscars stage to receive the coveted golden statue.

But until then, you can check out Roh on the streaming platform, MUBI.

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