Dig It: Heineken Thirst Essentials

Shima Scarlett (Ipoh)
Projek Rabak
These cool NEW BALANCE 580 UNDFTD X LAMJC X COLETTE kicks were something I bought from the New Balance store in Singapore. My iPOD TOUCH is an essential, so that I can access my music anywhere, anytime without wasting my iPhone 5 batteries, even heading to Thirst! Pair it with my iPHONE 5 and I’m connected to everything. Sometimes you need something that can go anywhere and everywhere. I got the GOPRO HERO 3 BLACK EDITION when I did my first diving lesson. Been using it ever since because it’s all-purpose. The BLA BLA BLA POETRY BOOK BY MOHD JAYZUAN is in my top 5 items list because in it there’s a poem that works like a chill pill for me. A must have!