Dig It: Heineken Thirst Essentials

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SEA WONG (Johor Bahru)
Roost Repurposed and Recycled

source: Sea Wong

MODERN ARCHITECTURE is my favourite book ever, it’s not only a design book, but also includes great geographical and historical references. THE SAINT is the most valuable record that I own. Drummer Wong Voon Choon recorded this in 1971 when he was in his thirties. Nine years later I was born and I call him Dad! The two guitarists are also family; I call them Uncle. This ‘L’ RULER is the best tool I own. It gives me perfect 90° angles every time. My VW KOMBI VAN is the first vehicle I ever bought. I use it when I’m hunting for junk and vintage furniture. I’d even trust it to get me to Thirst! PORTA FILTER. What else can I say? Nothing is more important than a good cup of coffee!

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