Dentist Creates Platform For The Curly-Haired Community in M’sia to Share Their Experiences

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Source: FMT

32-year-old dentist, Karishma Menon is the founder of CURLrinting which is an online platform made specially for the curly-haired community in Malaysia.

Karishma said that growing up as a girl with curly hair was hard as there was lack of information to care for curly hair which made her determined to make that change for those who share the same boat as her.

Source: FMT/Karishma Menon

Speaking to FMT, Karishma said, “I would look at people overseas and admire how they cared for their textured hair and were proud of it.

“I knew curly hair could be beautiful.”

CURLrinting was born two years ago with Karishma’s mission to create a space where people can share their thoughts, tips and tricks for curly hair.

She turned the platform into a business when she realised that there aren’t many products for this specific hair type and now CURLrinting sells hair products and accessories to help Malaysians who struggle with the same problem.

Source: FMT

Since the products are sourced locally and internationally, Karishma takes it upon herself to check the safety of the ingredients and reviews to make sure the products are safe and registered under the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency of Malaysia.

She also added that she’s connected with many people from all over the world through CURLringting and hopes to bring more local brands to the platform.

Source: FMT/Karishma Menon

“I also hope that when the pandemic is over, we will be able to have a meet-up of all different kinds of curly-haired people.”

Even though it can get tiring for Karishma to juggle between her daily job as dentist, she is determined to thrive in both career pathways as she wants women to be able to show-off their curly tresses proudly.

If you have curly hair and wanna take care of your beautiful locks, you can check out CURLrinting here.

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