DAP Member Arrested for ‘Spreading’ Anti-Pakatan Video

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Source: MalayMail

In a strange turn of events, Penang DAP state committee member, Jeffrey Chew Gim Eam, who alerted his party about a slanderous video clip against Pakatan Harapan was arrested yesterday for, get this, allegedly spreading the video he was trying to warn his party about.

If you’re mind is not already blown by this intro, then consider this, according to the MalayMail, Chew who was in charge of monitoring social media sites and websites to detect any slanderous content against PH, had forwarded the video clip he found to the Penang DAP election committee for further action. In other words, he reported what he found to his superiors.

DAP Councillor Teoh Koon Gee then lodged a police report on the video clip on Monday, claiming it was a video created to slander PH.

Today, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said, instead of finding the source of the video, the police had arrested Chew yesterday afternoon. “We lodged a police report so that the police can find the person who created the video but they arrested Chew who forwarded it to us to take action,” he said in a press conference in his office in Komtar today.

The MalayMail reported that Chew was first called in as a witness on Monday to have his statement recorded about the video. However, he was called in again yesterday and was arrested at about 4.30pm and he was only released at about 8pm on police bail.

Chew’s counsel, RSN Rayer said Chew was not the one who created and spread the video. “It was his duty to monitor social media and websites for anything against PH and report it to the party so he did that when he found this video,” said Rayer.

Chew was arrested under the Communications and Multimedia Act and the Sedition Act. It is important to note that the person who reported the video to the police on Monday, DAP Councillor Teoh Koon Gee, was not arrested.

While we all know the definition of fake news and slanderous content, how this particular incident unfolded has left us speechless. This is like when you’re in school, and you report a classmate for swearing and you say, “Teacher, so and so said ‘f*ck'” but then you get into trouble as well ’cause now you’ve said the f-word. It makes no sense.

According to the MalayMail, the short video clip started with a pencil placed on a voting ballot in a column next to PKR’s logo while the BN logo is on top and the words, “wait, before you choose.” The 1-minute video went on to equate voting for PKR to voting for “racist DAP,” liberal Muslims, LGBT (lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transsexuals) rights, foreign meddling, abolishment of Bumiputera rights, abolishment of the monarchy and a support for nepotism and cronyism; and ended by urging viewers to make the right choice and vote for BN.

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