CITF & Other Gov’t Bodies Crack Down on Reported ‘Vaccine Slots For Sale’ To Prevent Abuse of Power

Despite it being months ago, the chaos and apprehension felt by Malaysians during the AstraZeneca vaccine roll-outs is still palpable ’til this day.
With heavy website traffic comes inevitable glitches but with something as coveted and important as the vaccine, these shortcomings were impossible to overlook so much so that the Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF) even launched an investigation to find out who was responsible for the mishap.
It’s clear just how badly Malaysians wanted to get vaccinated and due to that, many are cutting the queue in order to get a jump on everyone else.
Recently, it has been reported that there are vaccination slots available for sale which goes against the fairness of the national vaccine roll-out.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has taken serious action to ensure the prevention of these sales. The CITF along with the police force have been investigating this matter since early June.
He said, “An integrity and investigation committee had been created and is staffed by members of CITF, the police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).”
One of the steps taken is the vaccine monitoring guideline and ‘standby list’ that have been enforced at PPVs to ensure that there is no abuse of power when it comes to the distribution of vaccines.

Every Malaysian is entitled to the vaccine regardless of their social standing.
If slots can be bought, it just further perpetuates that the rich will always come first even when it comes to a basic human right amidst a global pandemic.