IJM Allianz Duo Highway Challenge 2018

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Ladies and gentlemen listen up! If you’re looking for a way to shed off those extra post CNY pounds, here’s an exciting challenge that can drop your digits on the weighing scale in a fun way. If the gym is not your thing, then the quickest form of workout is by running. And although we know that running isn’t exactly the easiest exercise you can do, but a marathon might be the best way to get you motivated to practice.

Other than getting your health back on track, what better motivation than a chance to win a total cash prize of RM72,000! Yup, you read that right. All you have to do is gather your squad and join in on IJM’s Duo Highway Challenge 2018 coming to you this 29 April and 29 July at Besraya Highway and the NPE Highway.

Wait a minute, on a highway? Isn’t that dangerous? Fret not, the entire highway will be closed for the challenge itself, so you can run as free as you want without any fear whatsoever.

To kick off IJM’s Duo Highway Challenge 2018, the first race will be held on the Besraya Highway on Sunday, 29 April, and you’ll be challenged with a 13KM run. Now this might seem intimidating at first for most beginners – because anything pass 5km seems like a feat already – but it sure sets the tone of the race. After all, it’s called a challenge for a reason.

If you’re worried that your body won’t be able to keep up with the pace, then you can join the 6KM Fun Run via the registration link here.

Following the first race, the IJM ALLIANZ Duo Highway Challenge will kick it up a notch for all those long-distance runners out there for a second race. Taking place on the NPE Highway on Sunday, 29 July, participants will be challenged with a 21KM run. You can definitely expect a lot of sweat and maybe even some tears as you run alongside strong-willed runners who will push themselves until they’ve reached the end of the finish line. However, if you’re not looking for a tough competition, then you can definitely join the 10KM run.

Want to get in on that special deal and sweet treats?

For just RM140, you can participate in both races and get an instant upgrade from a regular drawstring bag (if purchased separately) to a 10L dry bag that is durable and fashionable to carry around – especially if you’re going on a run! Not to mention the glorious medal too, a reward for your perseverance in the race.

The DUO Highway Challenge will also be adding new categories into the mix! There will be international categories lined up for all runners of different nationalities who are interested in participating in the challenge. Not to worry though, Malaysians are more than welcome to participate in this category as well. This means that everyone has a chance of winning that total cash prize of RM72k!

Here’s what you can expect during the Duo Highway Challenge 2018:

Even if you’re not a competitive person, you can still join for the fun experience and goodies. As a reward for your effort, you’ll be taking home their one of a kind colourful tees, drawstring bags and, most importantly, finishing medal!

For more details on the prices of the race, check out these flyers down below!

Check out their runs from last year in the video below:

So what are you waiting for?! Register here before it’s too late and hustle your legs to the streets to start your training. Good luck our fellow runners!

For more information, please visit their Facebook page, here.

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