Carolina Herrera’s 212 VIP Men – NY Scent in KL Smog

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New York, New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of if one singer’s words were to be believed. This is where culture, fashion, and music fester and grow, where young people make a name out of themselves and become VIPs – just as Carolina Herrera had when she moved to New York from Caracas, Venezuela and formed her eponymous fashion label, Carolina Herrera, Ltd. back in 1981. With her fragrance 212 VIP Men, newly available in Kuala Lumpur, Carolina is set to bring that distinctive NY scent reeking of exclusivity and sensuality to our shores.

212 VIP Men is formulated as an homage to New York’s nightlife and the debonair New York men who attend them. A whiff of it would remind the opposite sex that you are part of what makes the city alluring, interesting, and fascinating. Informed by both the masculinity of renowned perfurmer David Apel and the femininity of female perfumer Emilie Copperman, 212 VIP Men isn’t just any fragrance made for men, it’s a scent designed for men from a female perspective.

Inspired by the attitude of New York’s exclusive parties, the fragrance is a smorgasbord of whiffs; ranging from zesty lime caviar, fresh frozen mint with chilled vodka to earthy kingwood for royalty cred.

As with most VIPs, appearance does matter. The perfume’s casing is a tribute to the glass and metal ziggurats of the city, exuding masculinity without sacrificing the sexy and sophistication.

You’re probably wondering why we are posting about this. Well, let’s just say JUICE is about to give you the opportunity to have a true VIP experience. Stay tune.

Find more information on Carolina Herrera’s 212 VIP Men and more from the fragrance series here.

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