Cannabis Cures Covid? Laboratory Studies Find That Weed Can Actually Prevent Covid-19 Infection

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A laboratory study was recently published in the Journal of Nature Products stating that cannabis compounds prevented the virus that causes Covid-19 from penetrating healthy human cells.

The two compounds commonly found in hemp — called cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, or CBDA — were identified during a chemical screening effort as having potential to combat coronavirus, researchers from Oregon State University said. In the study, they bound to spike proteins found on the virus and blocked a step the pathogen uses to infect people.

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The researchers tested the compounds against the “alpha” and “beta” variants of the virus in human cells in a lab. Richard van Breeman, a researcher at Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Center, said they “hope that trend will extend to other existing and future variants” of the virus, adding that “the combination of vaccination and CBDA/CBGA treatment should make for a much more challenging environment for SARS-CoV-2.”

The researchers tested the compounds’ effect against alpha and beta variants of the virus in a laboratory. The study didn’t involve giving the supplements to people or comparing infection rates in those who use the compounds to those who don’t.

Hemp is a source of fiber, food and animal feed, and extracts are commonly added to cosmetics, body lotions, dietary supplements and food.

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“These compounds can be taken orally and have a long history of safe use in humans,” said van Breemen. “They have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2,” he said in a statement.

Though the study did not use human test subjects, the researchers noted that the compounds have “a long history of safe human use.” The compounds are found in the raw form of hemp, known scientifically as Cannabis sativa.

The study also caught the attention of the American talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. “This would be interesting. All this time we’ve been listening to the C.D.C., we should have been eating CBD.”

Of course much more research is needed, so don’t think you can just load up your bong for a Covid-19 cure ’cause it’s not legal here anyway.

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