Cameron Highlands is Now The Only Place in Peninsular Malaysia That is a Green Zone

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Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlights Private Tour with Transport 2021
source: Viator

With the constant rise in COVID-19 cases and the current number of new cases fluctuating between 3,000-4,000, it is understandable for Malaysians to feel a sense of dread.

As of right now, the only green zone in Peninsular Malaysia is Cameron Highlands.

This popular weekend getaway enclosed by lush greenery has recorded zero new cases since noon of 17 January.

Other places in Malaysia that are green zones include Betong, Mukah, Serian, Lundu, Lawas, Pakan, Tatau, Baram, Bau, Belaga, Daro, Matu, Song and Saratok in Sarawak.

At the time of writing, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Johor have the highest recorded new cases in Malaysia.

The health ministry even predicts that numbers can shoot up to a staggering 8,000 by May 2021.

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