Search And Rescue Operations For Final Victim of Batang Kali Landslide Resume Today

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source: NST

Following the tragic landslide that happened in Batang Kali, Selangor, NST reports that search and rescue (SAR) teams are now trying to locate the final victim of this horrific event.

SAR teams resumed their operations earlier today (23 Dec) at 8am around the campsites in Jalan Batang Kali-Ghotong Jaya where the incident took place.

Heavy rain in the area yesterday interfered with the team’s search efforts prompting Hulu Selangor police chief, Superintendent Suffian Abdullah, to temporarily suspend their operations.

source: Malay Mail

Four bodies buried under seven metres of earth were uncovered by SAR teams. Altogether, reports indicate that so far, 30 lives have been claimed while 61 others fortunately survived this terrifying ordeal.

Authorities mentioned that a total of 92 people were present at the campsites when the landslide occurred.

Dear readers, please be safe wherever you are during this holiday season and keep the turbulent weather in mind.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this tragic incident.

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