Lapsap It Up
It was the charge of the Neon Brigade who turned Mardi Gras from the staid shirt-and-tie crowd to something wild and wacky. At least that was the attempt at our monthly The Knowledge with this month being the Nu Rave edition. The Lapsap duo of 5ft and XU were a promising start with their sets […]
like a germ down with a cold
[youtube]2pPCkhYMQgY[/youtube] A viral video about viral videos and other assorted Internet phenomenon that have changed our lives inexplicably in little ways. (Bonding over Star Wars Kid. Getting laid to the sounds of OK Go’s treadmill video. Using sneezing baby panda to pick up chicks) We love the Internet. How the hell did people ever survive […]
catnip – the new gateway drug
As if Babyshambles Pete Doherty isn’t front page bad news in all the leading rock rags, he’s now in hot soup with animal lovers too. After his cat Dinger, Cockney for syringe, gave birth to a litter, a sicky kitten was brought to the vet for a check up. With a rep like Doherty’s, we […]
A moment of silence for AK
No more ordering us around. No more whipping us with barbed wire. No more locking us in tiny little cages. We will sorely miss our honcho supremo at the JUICE office. Here’s a final embarassing video of our feared and beloved editor. [youtube]2qw3L4lkg8w[/youtube]
all the way from france
[youtube]-WPURqRGFag[/youtube] Check out this music video by French band Dionysos. Its infectious tune has us tapping our feet and snapping our fingers while the very retro animation is just a hilarious throwback to those incomprehensible European things that pass off as cartoons. It’s so camp that we love it. And not just for the boobies.
run, duck and cover
 When the world comes to an end, you can be sure that we’ll (read: humanity, not JUICE, because we’re cool like that) be behind all this. This flash animation is a pretty accurate insight into our own engineered end although global warming and the world being one giant swimming pool is also a fair […]
dance JUICEbot dance!
Behold our wondrous dancing mechanical servant! He dances for you, he dances for me, he dances for the whole world to see!
rawk out your costume
Halloween comes early this year with our big birthday bash rolling in at the end of the month, because this year we’re throwing a rock fest with dress up compulsory. Put on those grunge threads from your closet of the 90s or dig deeper for 80s glam rock togs or even all the way back […]
JUICE 5th birthday party
JUICE turns FIVE this month and we’re gonna rock the Casbah! Or something like that. Pull out those ripped jeans, punk up that mullet and prepare for a night of insane rock music as we crank up the guitars, bang the drums and build the biggest moshpit ever. Head bang, body surf or play air […]
hooray for the asians
We love the fact that MadTV isn’t under Viacom. Or we wouldn’t have been able to check this one out. Obviously this video is on to our mass-Asian conspiracy to take over the world and flood it with cheap imitation goods and MSG-laden food. Comrades, we need a new plan of action. [youtube]HDSg-JkCdnM[/youtube]