Asahi Pres. JUICE 11th Anniversary feat. Mad Decent Takeover Kuala Lumpur

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source: JUICE

Last year, Major Lazer propelled our 10th anniversary to legendary status, it had been a while since we last had a birthday party that made us, JUICE, feel as alive. It was a fitting end to our first decade of existence – and representative of our tagline “A decade of decadence” to boot – but where do we go from there then? Simple, hold another debauched, daggerin’ good time of a night with even more Mad Decent boys.

Roping in Diplo’s best bud-cum-Creative Director of Mad Decent-cum-DJ, Paul Devro, formerly of Crookers fame, Bots, and Michele Maturo, a model whose music taste ain’t what you think it is, JUICE 11th Anniversary is practically a Mad Decent Takeover. We can’t divulge much just yet, but expect the label’s signature Block Party adapted to Malaysiana – hell, we might even have a cendol store there. Just don’t dagger the ane. Joining the 3 international acts are nightlife culture experts and DJs The Deer Society, synthy French house duo Stellar Dreams, and the one man Ratpack, whose trap percussions will make your ears bleed. For less wild antics, the anniversary will be inaugurated at The Pre-Party @ The Other Party with +2dB, fresh off their viral cover of Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky/Doin’ It Right’, and Adam Kasturi, whose hi-hats laden mix for Asahi Pres. JUICE Curates this month should give you an idea of what his DJ set would sound like.

JUICE is 11. Join us at the party and in the next decade through all inevitable puberty pains and confusion. ‘til we’re old enough to enter clubs at least.

Asahi pres. JUICE 11th Anniversary feat. Mad Decent Takeover
Date Thursday 26 September ‘13
Time 9pm
Venue Stage Club KL
Lineup Paul Devro, Bot, Michele Maturo, The Deer Society, Stellar Dreams, The Ratpack

The Pre-Party @ The Other Party
Date Saturday 21 September ‘13
Time 10pm
Venue Frangipani
Lineup +2dB, Adam Kasturi, The Other Party residents

Co-organised by Detour Asia and Livescape Asia, Asahi Pres. JUICE 11th Anniversary feat. Mad Decent Takeover Kuala Lumpur is also sponsored by Citibank, L’Oreal, Gap, Playboy Condoms, Stage Club KL, and MSN.. Looking to get invited? Stay tuned here.

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