After JUICE: Post Decadence

JUICE has seen too many good Editors, Writers, Designers, and Interns come and leave the office since our inception in June 2002 (hey, we are 11 now!). And despite all that alcohol, partying, eardrums-shattering bass music, and the fugue that came with having too many of those in a single week (it’s more tiring than fun, trust us), all of us still look at our time with JUICE with perks-induced, booze-tinted xanthic lenses; we are very fond of our experience here. There is just an ineffable quality to playing tastemaker – or just even a documenter of the scenes in Kuala Lumpur. So we tracked down some of JUICE’s Hall of Famers, got them to wax lyrical about working here, and prodded them with sticks until they told us about their current career choices (most are actually doing better now!).