Add Flair To Your Kitchen with These Cute KitchenAid Beetroot Stand Mixers & Blenders

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Over the past few years, JUICE has been leaning into our aprons and chef hats a little more due to the pandemic that has forced us to stay at home and pick up new hobbies.

Since food is an everyday necessity, it makes sense for most of us to try cooking and baking.

But even that can get mundane after a while until this happened…

Enter 2022 Colour of the Year (COTY): Beetroot

KitchenAid is known to many for being a trusted partner for baking and cooking needs but not many people see it as a want. 

However, with their annual Colour of the Year launch, we think everyone will see that having KitchenAid in our household is actually more exciting than just having your typical stand mixer and blender.

Say hello!

This COTY stand mixer is the KSM195 model which is superior to the KSM175 that came before it. It comes with a new feature which is the pastry beater, which can help you break butter into smaller pieces or even mash meats as well as fruits and vegetables.

Other features include the 5 quart stainless steel bowl with a comfortable handle and the silver dough hook.

With KitchenAid, you don’t need to worry about receiving a flimsy appliance that feels like it could break at any given moment. This is because the stand mixer is made out of zinc giving it a robust, stable and durable feel with an enamel coating that is food-safe.

The motor is also energy efficient since it converts wattage into power in the bowl. You can choose from 10 settings, ensuring precise and thorough mixing according to your needs.

Another fantastic and unique feature is the 59-point planetary action which sees the beater rotate in one direction while it whisks and turns in the other, constantly pushing ingredients towards the centre of the bowl so you don’t have to worry about creating a mess.

The 59-point turn signifies the number of touch points it has in the bowl while mixing, which ensures a thorough incorporation of all ingredients. No other machine does the same.

To enhance your mixer to its optimal level, you can also purchase from the selection of 10+ attachments that will make cooking food like pasta, noodles and ice-cream a lot easier.

As for the blender, it is the K400 blender with a glass jar which is far better than its predecessor that came with a plastic jar.

It takes only 20 seconds to create a smoothie with this bad boy but if you’re into chunkier textures, fret not because the blender is capable of producing a variety of textures with a speed dial that offers an assortment of precise speeds.

You don’t have to worry about making a mess in your kitchen too since it has the Soft Start feature that avoids splatter by starting at a slower speed before getting faster.

Watch it in action below:

A beet-eautiful design with impeccable technology to make cooking as pleasurable and efficient as you want it to be.

Let’s talk about Beets!

Much to the delight of Dwight Schrute from The Office, beets are all the rage this year since it was named the 2022 colour of the year by KitchenAid.

Not only is the colour extremely vibrant and will definitely add that splash of red to an otherwise monotone kitchen, but beets are actually incredibly versatile in cooking and baking.

From savoury dishes like burgers, hummus and pizza to desserts like cake and other variants of it, beets can be integrated in almost anything – challenging the chef to try out new recipes and really putting their KitchenAid stand mixer and blender to work.

Take a look at these gorgeous meals that you could try out today:

Zesty beetroot hummus

Zesty roasted beetroot hummus

Double chocolate beet cake

Double chocolate beetroot cake

Multigrain bean and beet burger

10 Best Quinoa Mushroom Veggie Burgers Recipes | Yummly

And since we all like to be matchy-matchy for that added serotonin, why not get the coinciding Beetroot stand mixer and blender to impress your fellow guests?

Why KitchenAid and why now?

When we were little, we can all remember collecting toys and figurines to nourish our childhood experiences. But with those collectibles, they just end up collecting dust in our cupboards despite our overwhelming excitement upon initial purchase.

With KitchenAid’s COTY appliances, we can apply the same logic but these stand mixers (which has been touted as the number 1 mixer in the world) and blenders will be put to great use and can even be passed down or given as gifts to loved ones.

Plus, we’re all adults now and what better purchase to prove our growth than some useful kitchen appliances?

Since it’s also gift-giving season, KitchenAid makes for a wonderful present – not just for the bakers and chefs, but also for those who love interior design.

Just check out these pictures of how the colour can instantly add that needed spice to a room:


Beets are very common but for those unaware, harvesting beets requires some effort.

You need to firmly grasp where the leaves meet the beet root, and with a steady hand, pull it out of the ground.

How to Harvest and Store Beets
source: Harvest to Table

Most of us can become inundated with routines so much so that we’re unaware that we’re running in that hamster wheel everyday.

But by recognising this mundanity and having the will to change it – we can uproot the ordinary and tap into our creative spirits again.

KitchenAid has been one of the most popular brand names when it comes to countertop appliances. Best known for the legendary American Stand Mixer, countless enthusiastic professional and hobby chefs cannot imagine a kitchen without them.

So, why must you?

Follow KitchenAid for more information on their products on Facebook and Instagram.

You can purchase the Beetroot stand mixers and blenders at KitchenAid’s website and for a full catalogue of goods, visit Visionary.

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